ICS success for our Commercial & HNW Claims team

Good customer service? Our Commercial & HNW Claims team know a thing or two about this...

What is good customer service? Is it the speed in which you’re dealt with? Is it the way that you’re spoken to? What is it that can either lift you to cloud 9, or leave you despairing?

Even though #NationalCustomerServiceWeek is over for another year, we wanted to give a shout out to our Commercial & High Net Worth Claims team.  They know a thing or two about delivering great service having recently achieved the highest award available from the Institute of Customer Service.  Following an in-depth audit, Commercial and High Net Worth Claims received accreditation with Distinction for their consistent commitment to delivering a fantastic customer experience all year round. They now join our Personal Lines teams to become one of only 12 other businesses in the UK to have received this top accreditation.

The Institute of Customer Service (ICS) is an independent professional body that monitors and tracks Customer Service across different industries. Garry Simmons, Head of High Net Worth & Commercial Claims believes being benchmarked against other industries is a useful gauge “it provides a powerful tool to inform our customer strategy, helping us to understand our strengths, weaknesses and highlighting areas for improvement” he says.

“Financial Services and Insurance Companies are not always hailed for their customer service, and the public and media are often quick to share tales of woes, so being able to see how we perform against other industries that may have better reputations than ours can help identify where and how we could improve” he adds.

The ICS accreditation process involves surveying both staff and customers about their experiences and creating an action plan for each. An Assessor then visits the company’s offices to interview staff at all levels about their approach, ensuring that the feedback cycle and commitment to continuous improvement is fully embedded.

But it doesn’t end there. “Gaining this accreditation doesn’t mean we’ll stop striving to be the best. We’re now going to focus on the detail of our action plans and feedback to make sure we continue to go that extra mile to enhance the service we give our customers.” Garry Simmons says.

He sums up “Exceptional effort and commitment by our people is at the heart of our culture and it’s what helps set us apart from our competitors. This accreditation evidences our commitment and I know it will inspire our teams to keep striving to deliver the best customer experience all year round.”




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