Privacy Policy Definitions
The meaning of certain words and terms used in our Privacy Policy
In this policy, the words listed below have the following specific meanings when they appear with or without an initial capital letter:
‘Adequate Countries’ means a country that is deemed by the UK Government to have an equivalent level of data protection as the UK and for which there can be the free movement of personal data without the need for any further additional measures.
'Data Controller(s)’ means the company who determines the purposes and means of processing personal information. Data controllers can appoint data processors who must act on behalf of the data controller.
‘Direct Marketing/Marketing’ means promoting and selling products and services directly to the public e.g. post, telephone, email, etc.
‘Lawful Basis/Lawful Bases’ means the valid legal ground(s) a company relies upon to process your information.
‘Legitimate Interest(s)’ is one of the lawful bases for processing and means the interests of the company or the interests of third parties. Legitimate interests could be commercial interests, individual interests or broader societal benefits.
‘Personal Information’ means information/data relating to an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified in particular by reference to an identifier.
‘Profiling’ means automated processing of personal information intended to evaluate, analyse, or predict an individual’s behaviour.
‘Sensitive Information’ means special category data and criminal convictions and offences information.
‘Special Category Data’ means the following types of personal information: race; ethnic origin; politics; religion; trade union membership; genetics; biometrics (where used for ID purposes); health; sex life; or sexual orientation.
‘We’, ‘us’, ‘our’ means Covea Insurance plc / Covéa Life Limited / Sterling Client Services Limited / Covéa Insurance Services Limited. We have set out the relevant company for each of our products below.
‘You’, ‘your’, ‘yours’ means the data subject. A data subject is a living person whose personal information is processed by a data controller or data processor.
Descriptions of our products & services
Our products and services‘Commercial Insurance’: This covers our bespoke, executive, small business, property owner, motor trade and motor fleet commercial policies provided by Covea Insurance plc.
‘Credit Union Group Policies’: This covers our policies for groups sold to credit unions provided by Covea Insurance plc and Covéa Life Limited. In this case the companies will both be data controllers of your personal information.
‘Home Insurance’: This covers our personal household policies (including our mid and high net worth policies) provided by Covea Insurance plc.
‘Life & Critical Illness Insurance’: This covers our term life, whole of life and critical illness policies provided by Covéa Life Limited.
‘Misfuel Insurance’: This covers our misfuel assist policies provided by Covea Insurance plc.
‘Motor Insurance’: This covers our personal motor policies, high net worth executive motor, commercial vehicle and vehicle breakdown policies provided by Covea Insurance plc.
‘Payment Protection Insurance’: This covers our payment (including mortgages, credit cards, loans, motor and retail finance) protection policies. If your policy includes life cover then this element is provided by Covéa Life Limited all other elements of cover are provided by Covea Insurance plc.
‘Personal Accident Protection Insurance’: This covers our personal accident, personal injury and accidental death policies provided by Covea Insurance plc, with the exception of our Income Protection Plus policy where Covéa Life Limited provides the life cover element and Covea Insurance plc provides all other elements of cover under the policy (in this case both companies will be data controllers of your personal information).
‘Pet Insurance’: This covers our pet insurance policies sold by Sterling Client Services Limited and provided by Covea Insurance plc. Sterling Client Services Limited will be the controller of your personal data for the policies it sells and Covea Insurance plc will be the controller of your personal data for the policies it provides. Where Sterling Client Services Limited sells Covea Insurance plc’s pet insurance policies, both companies will be controllers of your personal data.
‘Protection Insurance for Business’: This covers our key man insurance policies and business loan repayment insurance policies provided by Covea Insurance plc and Covéa Life Limited.
‘Return to Invoice (RTI) / Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP)’: This covers our RTI and GAP policies provided by Covea Insurance plc.
‘Short Term Income Protection Insurance’: This covers our short term income protection policies provided by Covea Insurance plc.